
The Chilling tale of My Sweet 16: Part 2

As I sat up in bed, the realization of the nightmare's grim reality weighed heavily on my mind, grappling with a mix of fear and curiosity. How could something so hauntingly vivid surpass the realm of dreams and manifest itself in this waking reality? This question wildly swirled around in my brain, pushing me to the verge of losing my mind . My mind frantically searched for a justification or a possibility that could explain this abnormal occurrence but the exercise went futile… I had a plethora of questions but all the just answers seemed elusive. Just then the alarm clock beeped besides me, dragging me out of this trance. “Today is a special day; please don’t ruin it” I reminded myself as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and rose unsteadily onto my feet. The room felt different now, charged with an eerie energy that made my skin prickle with unease. By the time I had freshened up and put-on the baggiest pullover I owned to hide my bruised-up wrist, a marvelous odor fill

The Chilling Tale of My Sweet 16: Part 1

My 16th birthday was just around the corner and my parents, undoubtedly knowing how much the day meant to me decided to throw a party for all of my friends at none other than Uncle Ben’s restaurant which was a small place owned by my father’s friend, Mr. Ben. Talking about the restaurant, it was a decent sized place, nothing too remarkable, with its basement utilized as a separate area for celebrations especially birthdays however the fact that it was located far from the city, amidst the woods and adjacent to the eerie mountainous highway was rather exciting after all, I didn’t mind getting a little scared. The night before the big day was filled with anticipation as I snuggled into bed with utter bliss. However, I had trouble drifting off to sleep in the dimly lit and a heavily clouded night. I listened intently to the light showers of rain outside the window as the wind howled and trees rustled. Eventually, a moment of silence prevailed, allowing my mind to finally give

Rekindled Love

“I am sorry but we did everything we could” the heads surgeon’s words landed heavily on me. My heart fell at those words and within a jiffy my world came tumbling down, shattering into a thousand pieces. A lone tear traced its path down my cheek as I rushed towards her. The walls of the hospital were closing in on me with the never ending fluorescent lights casting an unsettling pallor. My footsteps echoed through the corridor and reverberated with my unsteady heart. At-last I reached the room where she was kept. I looked at the plate besides the door- the name “Divya” engraved on it and delicately embraced by twin rose leafs. It was the same room where we had spent hours dreaming about our life together once this ordeal was over… oblivious to the fact that it were to meet such a fateful end. My hands trembled and time seemed to distort as I slowly started to push open the door afraid of shattering the delicate illusion that she was still with me… I drew the curtains aside and th

The Bar

In the picturesque town of Shimla, which is located in the Indian hills of the state of Himachal Pradesh, it was a brisk autumn night. The leaves had started to change their shade, casting a warm golden and crimson hue over the landscape and I, for one, couldn't help but be drawn towards the alluring aroma of adventure that was in the air as I leisurely strolled along the crowded Mall Road, captivated by the vibrant energy and the melodic chatter of passersby. Then, amid the lively atmosphere, a strange sight caught my eye: a new bar hidden among the charming storefronts. I was drawn in by its vintage exterior, which promised an adventure and a lively atmosphere within its enigmatic walls. I hesitated for a moment, intrigued but eager for a break from the bustle of daily life. I then made the rash decision to enter this unfamiliar establishment, completely unaware of the enigmatic journey that awaited me beyond its doors, with an inquisitive smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

Kranti: A Tale of Defiance and Hope

A sense of fear and uncertainty hung in the night air, shrouding the deserted city streets in an impenetrable veil of darkness. Every now and then a patrol car would drive by with its siren wailing, casting eerie shadows that danced ominously along the walls of the tall buildings. In the confines of his tiny apartment. Subashish Roy, a young and passionate writer, sat alone, his eyes fixed on the flickering screen of his worn-out computer. Subashish was no ordinary individual; he was a man with an unwavering determination to resist the iron grip of the oppressive regime that had ruthlessly seized control of his beloved country. For years, he had watched in horror as his fellow citizens lived in fear, as their voices were cruelly silenced and their dreams mercilessly crushed under the weight of tyranny. But Subashish refused to succumb to the suffocating atmosphere; a defiant ember of hope burned brightly within him. In this spirit of unrelenting defiance that Subashish poured his h

The Timeless Love- A Journey of Shattered Souls

I had woken up late today as I had been for the past few months. Day upon day of incessant drinking was beginning to take its toll on me as I once again woke up with a crippling dizziness coupled with a piercing pain in my temples and severe dehydration. I groaned as I lifted myself off the bed and with supreme efforts was I able to shamble to the kitchen. I sat by the kitchen counter and gulped down the glass of water in a jiffy. The window curtains were drawn, like they always were lest I be blinded by daylight in my deplorable state. Just then my gaze fell upon a shiny object on the kitchen counter. I rubbed my eyes and focused intently until I was able to see a ring. My heart fell at the sight of it and, with a lump in my throat, I picked it up. The initials- “S.A.”    clearly inscribed on the eternal platinum quite contrary to our fates. I had met Sarah under the usual circumstances but our tales was equally remarkable… so much so that no-one in their sane mind would endeavo

An Autumn Adventure

I drew the curtains aside to let the glorious rays of sun illuminate my lonely house with its glorious light. It was the perfect autumn evening, the sun on the verge of setting scattered its crimson hue across the sky (save upon a slight cover of dark bellied clouds) while leaves rustled with the gentle breeze as if dancing with pure delight and bringing life to this static setting. “Nothing beats an autumn evening,” I murmured to myself. Not wanting to miss this opportunity up close, I hurriedly slipped into my shoes and decided to take a stroll down the otherwise gloomy streets of the city and enjoy the beauty of the season. I walked through the marketplace and stopped at a cozy cafĂ© to get my usual cup of coffee. As I sat down however I felt a sudden tug at my chest. It was the broken heart around my neck, a remembrance of a childhood friendship that had yet to find its counterpart or perhaps the bearer of the other portion didn’t want to. As I leisurely sipped through my co

A Leap of Faith

I looked down the balcony and saw stark emptiness below. It was rather chilly evening and everybody seemed to be cozy inside their homes. I looked down, intently following the pattern on the pavement, as tears incessantly flowed down my cheeks. I leaned further against the railing; I didn’t dare call my father which left me with just one option but I couldn’t muster up the courage to do so… but I weighed the odds- that stinging frustration and the probable eternity of humiliation against a moment of pain, my “leap of faith”. I finally drew-in a deep breath of the brisk cold air and leaned forward until my trembling feet could not touch the ground.   *** That morning I tapped my feet relentlessly against the floor of my living room. “Any moment now…”I murmured beneath my breath. For a good whole year I had solely focused on getting into one of the top NLUs, some of the most prestigious law schools in the country. It had been truly a demanding year and needless to say I had put-in all th

Kokkuri: A Passage To The Other Realm.

Profound silence had engulfed the room. I sat at the table with a heavy heart… my gaze affixed on a sheet of paper with the English alphabets laid in front of me. I looked up… on my either side sat Kenji and Ichiro whose eyes were keenly fixated upon the same piece of paper. I gulped. “Do you really wish to do this?” I asked partly expecting them to forego this adventure. They didn’t speak but much to my dismay Ichiro plainly nodded, his brow filled with sweat and his nostrils flared. I shifted my gaze to Kenji who sat with an unusual composure. I looked intently for any signs of uneasiness but couldn’t make out any. “Let’s review the rules once” Kenji Spoke raising his eyes to look at both of us “You go first, Jake” “We keep our fingers on the coin calling out to kokkuri san” “We take turns asking questions” “Don’t leave the coin until the game is finished” Ichiro spoke in a grim voice "Once the game is finished… we spend the coin” I concluded. “Good… Seems like we are good to go

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