Till The End of Time

The crisp air of Mussoorie enveloped me as I returned to my ancestral home after thirteen years. Memories flooded my mind, especially those of a childhood friend whose laughter lingered in the recesses of my memory. Her image remained vivid—a bubbly girl with lush black hair intertwined into curls framing her rosy-cheeked face.
It was the summer of '99 when we shared a tender moment, our first kiss, just before I departed for Delhi, merely a month after my 13th birthday. Fate had swept me away, leaving behind cherished memories and an ache in my heart.
Returning to Mussoorie, I sought her amidst familiar streets and homes, only to find her residence occupied by strangers. But fate always has a peculiar way of reuniting kindred spirits, I liked to believe so for faith was one of the few things keeping me together nowadays- I sighed.
One particular serendipitous day, while lost in the reverie of our past adventures, I glimpsed a figure in the woods—familiar, yet surreal. I raced out of the house at her sight and dashed after her, my heart pounding in anticipation but before I could get to her, she vanished into the foliage. Disheartened, I scoured the woods almost at the brink of losing hope of ever meeting her again until a tap on my shoulder jolted me. I whipped around and there she stood, the embodiment of my memories, in her spotless floral gown with her deer-doe eyes mirroring the longing buried within my own.
“Naina” My chest rose and fell unsteadily, my heart heavy in this surreal moment. 
Though a stoic, her eyes ignited with fervency with her lips twisted into a tender smile as a wave of familiarity passed through her.
“Nikki...” She uttered under her breath. A smile played on my lips as I nodded, my eyes tearing up with joy- only she could call me that out of all the people dear to me.
No more words were said, none were needed as she fell into my embrace. Even after all these years, I felt the same warmth as I had before leaving this place.
That evening we walked down the trail like we used to in the sweet bygone days. Our conversations flowed effortlessly, weaving stories of the past. She recounted her absence, the sale of her childhood home, and her new life in another part of town.
“It’s so beautiful, this moonlit night” She remarked as we trotted our way back
“Sure it is… just like the old days” I remarked and then, partly hoping to spend more time with her, offered to walk her home.
“Thank you Nikki but don’t worry yourself with it… I know these woods better than anyone, they don’t let anything happen to me” She replied. I found her response peculiar but decided not to press her further.
We met frequently after that, sharing moments lost to time, culminating in the reawakening of our young love amidst Mussoorie's enchanting fall. And then one evening, below the same deodar that had witnessed our selfless love blossom years ago, our love rekindled as stolen glances said more than what words ever could.
Yet, fate seemed to play its hand once more. Days turned into an anxious wait as she vanished, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty. Desperation crept in, questioning my actions. The reunion that once kindled hope now brewed doubts.
I wandered amidst the woods, seeking her in every familiar corner, each rustle of leaves raising hope and despair in equal measure. It was in those woods, in the hallowed serenity of our cherished spot beneath the deodar tree, that I found her again.
I confronted her, partly relieved to see her. Perhaps I had been too bold that evening, maybe I had misinterpreted her gaze for loving glance… I thought
But this instance was different for her eyes, usually brimming with mirth and mischief, now held a sorrow I couldn't comprehend. She hesitated, her voice barely a whisper. 
"Nikki, there are things... I've been hiding."
I urged her gently, reassuring her with a comforting squeeze of her hand. "You can trust me, Naina. Whatever it is, we'll face it together."
With a deep breath, she recounted an unsettling revelation. Traces of anguish laced her words as she spoke about inexplicable marks on her wrists and neck- I noticed- a haunting reminder of a date etched into her memory—16th October 2003- Her 18th birthday.
Her words came as a blow to my conscience as I failed to wrap my head around it. Yet her eyes were convincing enough to make me doubt my own perception of reality. Questions tumbled in my mind like leaves caught in a tempest but this tussle inside my mind subsided as soon as she revealed a piece of paper- a newspaper clipping.
I took it with my fingers which trembled- my conscious filled with terrible foreboding. My heart sank as my eyes stumbled upon the headline- “Mussoorie in Mourning: The Unsettling Truth Behind Murder of an 18-Year-Old” the newspaper screamed, mentioning the name of my childhood friend, Naina.
My chest started feeling heavier as I found it harder to breath with each passing instance. I tenaciously tried to keep myself together, to hold back the tears that had started to well-up in my eyes but a mere glance upon her lush black hair playing willfully in gentle breeze save two curls that guarded her round, pretty little face pushed me over the brink as I started to cry my heart out. She was the sole remanent of my childhood that I adored… I found myself mourning the death of that part of me that ended with her.
“Why did you come again for me Naina…?” I sniffled, remorse of leaving the town along with her weighing heavily on my conscious
"I could never leave you, Nikki," her voice trembled, choked with emotion. "I had to protect you."
Confusion mingled with the ache in my chest. "Protect me? From what, Naina?"
She placed a tender hand over my eyes, calming the torrent of questions inside me, and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek, a bittersweet gesture laden with a cascade of emotions. Her whispered words stirred the very fabric of my being.
“Why did you have to go Nikki?” her words tore through my chest.
Tears cascaded down my cheeks, mingling with the remnants of her love. Eyes closed, I dared to surrender to the warmth of her touch, finding her face and drawing her close. Our lips met, an affirmation of an enduring bond, a union transcending the boundaries of time and fate.
"I won't ever leave you again... promise to stay with me till the end," I vowed, the words carrying the weight of a lifetime of longing. She enveloped me in her embrace, allowing us to melt in each other’s arms and together we reclined on the grassy bed, reminiscent of our carefree days.
-The end


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