
Showing posts from December, 2023

The Trade in Shadows

Amidst the gloomy parlors and strangulating societal norms of Victorian England, is a tale deep-rooted in a world where appearances concealed dark secrets... one such is the tale of the “syndicate of shadows” and it’s enigmatic leader- Sir Reginald.  Mind you, he wasn’t just another heartless villain but a man so terribly torn between his hunger for power and the weight of hidden vulnerabilities for beneath his mask, the mask of control and power, lay the scars of a tragic past that drove him to the edge to exploit others to such extremes... Ada and Jacob, while seemingly reserved to the role of servants, could not be brushed off as mere pawns. They were indeed bright young individuals with dreams and unwavering hope however these luxuries had been long set aside (but not completely forgotten), to shield their families against the unforgiving business of the world.. Despite this Ada’s fragile frame and eyes deprived of their magnificent sparkle, she moved around the house with grace an

Till The End of Time

The crisp air of Mussoorie enveloped me as I returned to my ancestral home after thirteen years. Memories flooded my mind, especially those of a childhood friend whose laughter lingered in the recesses of my memory. Her image remained vivid—a bubbly girl with lush black hair intertwined into curls framing her rosy-cheeked face. It was the summer of '99 when we shared a tender moment, our first kiss, just before I  departed for Delhi, merely a month after my 13 th birthday. Fate had swept me away, leaving behind cherished memories and an ache in my heart. Returning to Mussoorie, I sought her amidst familiar streets and homes, only to find her residence occupied by strangers. But fate always has a peculiar way of reuniting kindred spirits, I liked to believe so for faith was one of the few things keeping me together nowadays- I sighed. One particular serendipitous day, while lost in the reverie of our past adventures, I glimpsed a figure in the woods—familiar, yet surreal. I raced o

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