The Timeless Love- A Journey of Shattered Souls

I had woken up late today as I had been for the past few months. Day upon day of incessant drinking was beginning to take its toll on me as I once again woke up with a crippling dizziness coupled with a piercing pain in my temples and severe dehydration. I groaned as I lifted myself off the bed and with supreme efforts was I able to shamble to the kitchen.

I sat by the kitchen counter and gulped down the glass of water in a jiffy. The window curtains were drawn, like they always were lest I be blinded by daylight in my deplorable state.

Just then my gaze fell upon a shiny object on the kitchen counter. I rubbed my eyes and focused intently until I was able to see a ring. My heart fell at the sight of it and, with a lump in my throat, I picked it up. The initials- “S.A.”   clearly inscribed on the eternal platinum quite contrary to our fates.

I had met Sarah under the usual circumstances but our tales was equally remarkable… so much so that no-one in their sane mind would endeavor to believe it, let alone make sense of it but I, for all my heart, couldn’t forget that radiant smile on her face as she had put this ring on my finger.

I took in a deep breath as I slipped the ring onto my finger… I always fought against reminiscing that perfect face of hers but then just this once, with that gentle wind that had so mischievously made its way through, I allowed myself to be lost in her bitter-sweet memories.


My name is Adam, and I work, or rather did, at a small bookstore in the heart of the city and I've always been fascinated by the concept of time travel, spending countless hours reading books about it… not knowing that I would witness it so spectacularly.

That day was yet another idle midday as I leisurely read through some of my favorite summer escapades and that was when I saw her for the very first time- her glistening smile, her round chubby face crowned with the most elegant ginger hair. I was bewitched by her charms, by her angelic aura and after multiple contemplations, as any man should, mustered up the courage to approach her.

I walked up-to her, trying to reflect back that picturesque smile of hers, and after the usual rounds of introductions, we struck up a conversation. She introduced herself as Sarah and while talking to her I realized that she was unlike anyone I had ever met before. She was confident, intelligent, and beautiful- almost the idle person to talk to. She even shared the same rare love for history like few people like me do.

Subsequently she started visiting the store more frequently. Almost every conversation of ours would revolve around the world of past time, the civilizations and the mysteries of past as well as present… needless to say hours with her felt like minutes which wasn’t really a problem, especially during the monotonous and lackluster mid-days in the store when there is usually a negligible influx of people.

Over the ensuing days a bond of companionship formed between us that slowly evolved into something more. We spent hours in each other’s company… I, for my part, loved her vivid descriptions of the life of people during varied periods as if she had witnessed those eras before her very eyes.

As time went on, I started to get a feeling that something was up with Sarah. She always seemed to be one step ahead of the game, knowing things she shouldn't. So, I called her out on it. She hesitated at first, and spun a few wild stories, but I wasn't buying it. Eventually, after a great ordeal, she came clean and told me the truth: she was a time traveler with limited time here in the present.

At first, I was in shock. I couldn't believe that the woman I loved was from the future. I felt wronged and deceived and sure enough she sensed it too as there came a phase when distrust and resentment took over our passion which, needless to say, took an emotional toll on our relationship. We were both tired and stressed, and we began to argue more frequently... And that seemed to be the end of us until one fortunate evening.

That day I received a text from Sarah to meet her at the city park at 8 o’clock and as I walked under the shimmering blanket of stars, I couldn’t help but ponder that perhaps it was formally end of the thing and as I now walked, with a heart full of agony, I felt bad for what ensued between us, knowing full well that I was equally responsible for whatever happened and as I sat across from Sarah, I couldn’t help but feel an overpowering sense of guilt and regret. I was about to speak my heart out when Sarah suddenly spoke up about the challenges of balancing her love for me with her temporal duties; of her having to go back to own time.

This shifted something within me. With a surge of passion, I took Sarah's hand and looked deeply into her eyes. I told her that my love for her was stronger than anything in this world, and that I would do anything to make our relationship work.

And then together, we embarked on a journey of intimacy and discovery, exploring the depths of our love and learning more about each other with each passing moment. Even as our time together drew to a close, we knew that our love was timeless, and that it would endure forever.

We spent our last moments, literally holding each other tightly, trying to memorize every detail of the other's face, every sound of the other's voice.

The day of her departure, we walked through the woods adjacent to the city. In that moment, as we walked together, hand in hand, watching the stars twinkle in the night sky, I knew that I had found my soul mate, my partner in time, and my forever love.

My heart swelled with emotion as I looked into her eyes. "I love you" I said. "More than anything in this world”

She parted her lips but didn’t say anything rather stepped towards me and took me in her arms… it was the most gentle yet passion filled embrace that I had ever experienced. With each passing moment, we longed for more of each-other… I guess that was the spark which had ignited this flame of desire within us…

We parted followed by a blessed silence until Sarah spoke-up… “I love you too…” her voice gentle and quivering, perhaps from the flood of emotions

My heart seemingly melted at this as I pulled her towards me until her lips met mine. It wasn’t gentle like our embrace but rather a passion-filled and hunger driven kiss. We knew no bounds at that instance, our desire comparable to hungry beasts, just pouncing at each other. Her time traveller’s watch beeped incessantly reminding us of her final moments in this era but that couldn’t deter us from this moment of intimacy.

Tears incessantly flowed down my face as I heard her whimper beneath her breath. She tightened her grip around me as I did too, dreading the thought of losing her and then, within a jiffy, no matter how strong I held her… she vanished from within my arms leaving me in my terrible lonesome.


I opened my eyes as a single teardrop escaped from the corner of my eye... I smiled as I vividly reminiscent our time together, which continues to plunge me into a depthless spiral of longing and pain.

The only solace I find in this eternal pain are our bittersweet memories and the hope that someday, in a distant and different life, our shattered souls may be reunited…

-The End


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