
Showing posts from April, 2023

An Autumn Adventure

I drew the curtains aside to let the glorious rays of sun illuminate my lonely house with its glorious light. It was the perfect autumn evening, the sun on the verge of setting scattered its crimson hue across the sky (save upon a slight cover of dark bellied clouds) while leaves rustled with the gentle breeze as if dancing with pure delight and bringing life to this static setting. “Nothing beats an autumn evening,” I murmured to myself. Not wanting to miss this opportunity up close, I hurriedly slipped into my shoes and decided to take a stroll down the otherwise gloomy streets of the city and enjoy the beauty of the season. I walked through the marketplace and stopped at a cozy cafĂ© to get my usual cup of coffee. As I sat down however I felt a sudden tug at my chest. It was the broken heart around my neck, a remembrance of a childhood friendship that had yet to find its counterpart or perhaps the bearer of the other portion didn’t want to. As I leisurely sipped through my co

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