Kokkuri: A Passage To The Other Realm.

Profound silence had engulfed the room. I sat at the table with a heavy heart… my gaze affixed on a sheet of paper with the English alphabets laid in front of me. I looked up… on my either side sat Kenji and Ichiro whose eyes were keenly fixated upon the same piece of paper. I gulped.

“Do you really wish to do this?” I asked partly expecting them to forego this adventure. They didn’t speak but much to my dismay Ichiro plainly nodded, his brow filled with sweat and his nostrils flared. I shifted my gaze to Kenji who sat with an unusual composure. I looked intently for any signs of uneasiness but couldn’t make out any.

“Let’s review the rules once” Kenji Spoke raising his eyes to look at both of us “You go first, Jake”

“We keep our fingers on the coin calling out to kokkuri san”

“We take turns asking questions”

“Don’t leave the coin until the game is finished” Ichiro spoke in a grim voice

"Once the game is finished… we spend the coin” I concluded.

“Good… Seems like we are good to go” Remarked Kenji as he placed his finger on the coin with an unfamiliar enthusiasm followed by me and Ichiro.

“Ready?” He asked to which we simply nodded then began the game ritual

“Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san… if you are here please move this coin” We recited in unison and waited. After a minute or so when nothing happened, a sense of relieve passed over me.

“That’s strange… Should we give another try?” Asked Kenji

“I guess so…” I looked over to Ichiro who still looked at the board with a stern expression. Something about him was strange today… he seemed chillingly silent which was highly unfamiliar of him.

 “Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san… if you are here please move this coin” We recited though Ichiro suddenly decided to remain silent. Again nothing happened.

“I knew it was just a stupid game” Remarked Kenji. I was about to let out a chuckle, more at his annoyed countenance, when suddenly I felt the movement of the coin. I hurriedly shifted my gaze onto the paper but the coin seemed to have never moved. I could swear I felt my arm moving with movement of this coin; its sound of being dragged across the sheet however now as I looked at it, perfectly at the center of the paper, my mind started to be filled with disbeliefs.

I looked up to meet the gaze of Kenji who, for the first instance, also seemed to be frightened and perplexed but that was just momentary whereupon an extremely subtle smile appeared on his face as his eyes shifted towards Ichiro…

“D-Did you s-see that?” Ichiro stammered with his eyes affixed on coin.

“See what?” Asked Kenji again with that subtle tell-tale smile

“The coin just moved a little, and then slid back to the center” Replied Ichiro. He fell for it… He hadn’t taken notice of that annoying smile on Kenji’s face.

“Close your eyes everybody and call out to kokkuri san” Directed Kenji. His pretense was getting annoying nonetheless I silently closed my eyes... moments later the coin started moving. It moved in a circular motion around the sheet…

“I will go first…” Spoke Kenji and continued “Kokkuri san… kokkuri san is it you?”

The coin moved to yes. I saw Kenji miserably suppressing his grin and looking at the sweat covered face of Ichiro.



The very moment Ichiro suggested that we should play this game; I knew he was going to play another one of his tricks. His façade of being petrified was unquestionably his way of playing with our minds so the moment I sat down, I was calm and collected and was ready to get better of him

Though all of my conscious was centered upon Ichiro, I couldn’t help but notice the unjustified glares of Jake and honestly it was beginning to bother me.


Ichiro spoke next- “Kokkuri san kokkuri san… Is my-” He hesitated then after taking a deep breath he continued “Is my dad at peace?”

I was taken aback by his question. He just unveiled his insecurity which he had remarkably kept hidden for over a year. It was indeed true that he had lost his father during his childhood yet he never really seemed concerned… or perhaps we never realized.

The coin moved… moving in a confused manner whereupon landing on… NO! I blazed with anger, my hands closed into a fist and breaths deep. I was, no doubt, fuming. I looked over at Ichiro who sat devastated, his eyes welled up. I looked to the other side and was met by the death stare of Kenji… the nerve to be able to pull this all off. I, for my part, again restrained myself… there were other ways to get hold of him and I so happened to have his vulnerability.



Till now I believed it was Ichiro who was playing these tricks on us… but I was wrong. Those grief-stricken eyes and that desolate face could never be a façade. It only meant one thing… it was Jake who had stooped so low in his attempt to play this horrible prank. I stared at him, more with utter shock than absolute fury. He had just raised the bar and whatever may be the consequence, he would have to bear the brunt of my resentment.


 “Kokkuri san Kokkuri san… Who amongst us won’t make it to university this year” I questioned. I looked up to find anguish in the eyes of Kenji. He had been preparing to get into the prestigious Tokyo university for well over a year only to, sadly, fail miserably. It was, undoubtedly his weakest nerve and I had just managed to hit it. I felt remorse for it but this feeling was soon overcome by the agony of Ichiro. I was resolute to get hold of the trickster among us even if it meant applying extreme methods.

And then something terrible happened… as I tried to move the coin, it didn’t budge. I tried again but no avail. I looked up and matched the death stare of Kenji… and then abruptly it moved but not in the direction I intended. My heart sunk… IT SPELT OUT MY NAME!

I closed my eyes, feeling perplexed and petrified, just trying to make sense of things. As I was lost in this trance, I heard muffled gags as of a person fighting strangulation. I opened my eyes to find horror on the face of Ichiro… I followed his gaze and what I saw shook me to my core.

Kenji no longer sat on his chair but lay on the floor with his neck twisted at a weird angle. He gripped it as if to repel some invisible force. His whole body shook with convulsions and blood oozed out of his nostrils. I was frozen at this horrendous sight. And then the lights started to flicker and in an instant they were gone. Kenji’s muffled cries were no longer audible. I took out my phone, switched on the flashlight and glanced around the room but Kenji was nowhere to be seen.

“T-The game… we need to finish it” I pointed the flashlight at Ichiro who trembled with fear, his eyes filled with tears, and without waiting for a reply started…

“Kokkuri-san, kokkuri-san… please forgive us and return” He said with a quivering voice. The coin moved again in a confused circular motion whereupon resting at “NO”. My heart sank at this… I looked at Ichiro and gulped as I asked.

“Kokkuri-san, kokkuri-san… what do you want?” I asked impulsively immediately regretting it anyhow the coin moved and much to out dismay spelt out death “D—E—A—T—H”. Just then I heard the terrace door open…

“Just stop it… please just make it stop… I am sorry for everything… Kokkuri-san, I apologize for being so egocentric, please let us go” I blurted, tears flowing down my cheeks, tears of remorse and helplessness. Just then the coin moved and the lights flickered for a moment whereupon sweet illumination flooded the room. I saw the board and the coin resting at yes. A sudden rush of composure engulfed me.

“Goodbye” Ichiro stated then left the coin with me following. I had eased into my chair, my heart pulsating wildly, when a realization hit me…

“Where is Kenji?” I yelled getting-off the chair hurriedly, tearing away the wretched paper.

“Is he…?” Ichiro couldn’t complete the sentence but a nod of agreement conveyed a mutual conception thereafter we rushed to the roof.

The whole terrace was engulfed with stark darkness and profound silence which honestly made me uneasy. I switched on my phone’s flashlight and looked around until my gaze fell upon a figure sitting on the edge of the terrace. I pointed my flashlight towards him and it was, unsurprisingly, Kenji with his back turned towards me.

“Kenji!” I yelled multiple times followed by Ichiro as we sprinted towards him. He turned his incredibly pale face towards us with his bloodshot eyes wishing to convey his thoughts besides tears running freely down his cheek. It was for the first instance that I had seen him in such a terrible state. He glanced sorrowfully towards me for what seemed like a jiffy and subsequently turned back, starting to lean forward…

Barely some feet away, I leaped towards him and pulled him back to safety followed by Ichiro who grabbed his torso to cushion his fall as we all fell on top of each-other. I groaned as I rolled over, got up and with the aid of Ichiro carried Kenji back to safety as he sobbed and quivered uncontrollably.

“I-I am sorry... f-for breaking the rules…” He murmured repeatedly hugging me tightly. I hugged him back, happy to see him alive... Ichiro joined-in and we hugged each-other just pleased to make-it alive… no words could express our emotions at that particular moment.

The next morning high fever took over Kenji which lasted for another 2-3weeks. We spent the coin whilst buying the medications and vowed to never rehearse this instance ever again.



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